
dinsdag 2 augustus 2011

Cleaning out my make-up stash part 1

Hello everyone!

Today I am gonna show you the first part of cleaning out my make-up stash!

I have so much make-up that when I want to make a FOTD (Face Of The Day), first I have to search for the make-up I want te use. That's a thing I don't like, searching too long for make-up when you want to do a ''quick'' look!

Here are the things I have thrown out!

But I am not ready. I have to do much more cleaning out! That keeps me busy!

I am planning to clean out my make-up stash more often, so I can keep finding the make-up I need.

Do you clean out your make-up stash?
And how often do you do that?

Thanks for stopping by!

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Woah, that's quite a lot! A very brave thing to do! I couldn't ever throw away make-up, I'll probably let it sit in a corner catching dust when I don't use things anymore, haha. Good luck with sorting through the rest :)

  2. @Inge, Thanks. It did take a while :)
